Friday, April 8, 2011

Ready for A Change

~God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference~


So I've been definitely thinking's time for a change!! I'm tired of the same ol', same ol'. I need something different. I need to take a risk! I need to take a leap of faith.

At this point, I'm definitely not worried what others will say. It doesn't even matter! This change is FOR ME! I feel if I don't do it...I'll never do anything else in my life. I am 24 years old and I am tired of playing it safe! I can never grow playing it safe. I can never make a mistake and learn from it by playing it safe. It's time for a change!

I am definitely praying about it, so don't worry! But it's time for a change. A change in my mind, body, soul, and spirit! All I ask is you do these three things for me:

     1. Pray for me!
     2. Hold me accountable!
         -Whenever you see me slacking, ask me how it's going? How am I maintaining?
     3. Encourage me!
          -Only constructive criticism is accepted! 
          -I have enough self-doubt alone, I don't need yours!

Transformation Count Down in 5.....4...3...2....Take Off!

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