Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Let's be THANKFUL in advance...don't wait until Thursday to be THANKFUL!!

What are you thankful for? I'll start:

I thank God foremost! I thank Him for His unconditional love!
(And above all things have fervent charity (love) among yourselves: for charity (love) shall cover the multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8)
I'm thankful for life!
I'm thankful for self-love! (If you don't love yourself first, it'll be hard to really, truly love others!)
I'm thankful for family! I love you guys!
I'm thankful for my extended family! (My friends) Thank God for true friendship!!
I'm thankful for my future! (Expecting the Great!)
I'm thankful for food, shelter and mobility!

So many times, we talk about what we don't have, what we wish we could have, but TODAY, I'm talking about what I do have! And to me, I'm on cloud 9! I may not have what I want, but I truly have everything I need!

So, live your life no matter what! Life your life if you're walking, catching the bus, or driving a benz. Live your life!
Life your life if you live by yourself or with family, a roommate, friend/lover or in a shelter.
Live your life!
Live your life, if you have a job or two, in school or in the military.
Live your LIFE!
Live your life if you're able or disabled.
Live YOUR Life!
Live your life rather you're crying or smiling.
Live your life if you are a singer, teacher, writer, fisher, care taker, entrepreneur, pastor, fashion designer, entertainer, artist.
You were created to LIVE!!
STOP comparing yourself to other people!!
We all have something that one of us need!
So instead of killing ourselves to be each other,
Because you have something I need
And I have something you need!
So lets work together

Thank you! =)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Coffee Conversations is on Youtube!!

Hi Friends, Family, & Subscribers!!

Coffee Conversations is going VIRAL!!! You can find me just about everywhere! Twitter, Facebook, About.Me, YouTube and more!! Just Google Me and I'll be there!! Lol

Please click on the link below to see my latest post(s) on YouTube...and as always comment, rate and subscribe!

Coffee Conversá Blog

God Bless

Sunday, June 5, 2011

On a Move....and there's NO stopping me now!!

Have you ever felt like this?

Well, I've been feeling like this a lot lately and in all honesty, I think its a sign!! It's time for me to pick up my bags and go! It's time for me to travel and see the world! Time to kick fear out the door! If you want it, then you have to go after it! It's time to stop running off at the mouth about your goals and aspirations, places you want to go, people you want to see/meet. Be like Nike and JUST DO IT!!

Its gonna take guts and courage to do what has never been done before! People especially family and friends will look at you like you're crazy and want to tell you, you're not ready or its hard! This is when the people who you thought had your back, won't! So are you ready to dive into the pool of possibilities with no strings attached? No looking back...no running back...only to move forward to the world of endless possibilities?? Are you ready??

Bottom line_________DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES??

Friday, June 3, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Motivation

                                                        --Mahatma Gandhi

Very true statement. 

Right now in my life I am finally coming to understand and realize what change is all about. Change has to happen on the inside before it can reach the outside. Some say that change is inevitable.  While this is true, I also believe that we as individuals can put it on halt. We can choose not to change. I think that's whats wrong with a lot of us. We are choosing not to change. We're choosing for it not to manifest. We're choosing to be stuck. So many times we look for the change in a new city, in a new look, or especially in a person. Well, I'm here to say and testify that change can only happen within yourself first in order for it to be true. Before it can become a ripple effect, the affect has to happen first in you. Therefore, change IS inevitable! Either you can flow with it or get left behind. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for a change. I can taste it...you know why? Because its happening on the inside, first!

Another crucial point is that change is a mindset. If your mind hasn't changed, then YOU CANNOT CHANGE! The bible says in Proverbs 23: 7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. So many people want to change, but are not taking the necessary steps to be that change! Truth be told, many of us are all talk, but no action! A lot of us talk a good game, but is still in the same place we were in on yesterday. Just take the 1st step forward! If you're looking for a way out, just take a leap of faith! Failure is never trying! How do you know that you suck at anything if you never try it! Be led by Christ! He can definitely direct your steps. Stay focus! Don't be distracted or discouraged by nay sayers! If your trust is in Him, then anything and everything is possible!! No Fear!

Foolishness is using the same tactics, expecting different results.  Change has to start at home!

Now, what is your motivation?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Today's Revelation...Separate!

Today on facebook my God message said,  "Everything that irritates you about others, is your key to understanding yourself. What angers you in another person is an unhealed aspect of yourself. If you had already resolved that particular issue, you would not be irritated by its reflection back to you."
This message blew me away! Today started off good, but then turned bad! By the time I got home I was so irritated and frustrated with people and the world! However, I understood that it wasn't worth me flipping out. So I decided to simply go to sleep! Just before I actually went to sleep, I texted a few friends to pray for me because I knew I really needed prayer for whatever I was going through. So even as I began to lay my head down to sleep I casted all my cares on the Lord and I went to sleep!
When I woke up, I felt a little uneasy still, so I decided to watch Bishop Jakes bible study online. While hearing the word of God, I signed onto facebook and decided to see what my "God Message" was and all behold it was this! It literally blew my mind! I couldn't believe it! It was literally a wake up call and it made total and perfect sense. I know some people think "God Message" recycle sayings, but hey it knows when to speak to you and today it definitely spoke to my spirit! I am still in total awe of it, right now! Ha!
This journey called life, definitely isn't a easy one! There are so many twists, turn-arounds, land-slides,  and bridges that we have to go through and I am learning how to go through this them with understanding, peace and love! I am learning and coming to grasp that there are some things that I have to go through, with out family and friends being on my side! I am learning how to simply let go. In order to become the person God wants me to be, it's going to take all of that. Even Jesus had to become separate from His Father in order to become the final product and to fulfill His purpose. It took a while, but I am finally understanding the road leading to my purpose. I haven't quite figured out my purpose yet, but I am understanding the path directing me to it! I'm understanding that the decisions I make is not always going to be understood, it's not going to be the popular vote, nor will it be liked and/or agreed with. I am coming to understand that people who I thought would be there during this journey will be there every step of the way, but I'm learning that I need to simply separate. Friends and family (who I thought would be there for its entirety) are not going to be there throughout this journey...and you know what...I'm ok with that!
I was feeling sad about it at first, but just like Jesus, I have to go into the wilderness alone. Mom, dad, sisters, cousin nor friend can always help me with my decisions. I have to be ok with making wrong decisions. It's ok! Because that is what I will need in order to grow! If I am tempted, I have to be like Jesus and speak the word! It's time that I be about my Father's business. By doing so, I will soon find out my purpose and fulfill it. So I too, be like Jesus and say "It is finished!" (John 19:30)
Therefore, on today I vow to myself to always love myself no matter what! By truly loving yourself, only can you truly love others. (Galations 5:14)  I vow that I take care of myself-mind, body and spirit. It's time that I get my health in check! Even greater, it's time for me to believe in myself like never before! I have gotten this far, so it's time to push myself much farther and not get complacent! I vow that I trust and believe in God even more! I have to! For faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen! (Hebrews 11:1) It's time that I build upon my faith. It's time now to speak to mountain and tell it to move! (Matthew 17:20, Mark 11:23) I am encouraged to go on! No longer can I wait on others to do it for me...NO it's time that I do it for myself. I may feel lonely while on this road, but I know that I'm never alone! For God is with me...even until the end of time. (Matthew 28:20)    No more living inside a box...I am breaking FREE!    Be Bless and Walk in the fullness thereof! =)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Ready for A Change

~God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference~


So I've been definitely thinking lately....it's time for a change!! I'm tired of the same ol', same ol'. I need something different. I need to take a risk! I need to take a leap of faith.

At this point, I'm definitely not worried what others will say. It doesn't even matter! This change is FOR ME! I feel if I don't do it...I'll never do anything else in my life. I am 24 years old and I am tired of playing it safe! I can never grow playing it safe. I can never make a mistake and learn from it by playing it safe. It's time for a change!

I am definitely praying about it, so don't worry! But it's time for a change. A change in my mind, body, soul, and spirit! All I ask is you do these three things for me:

     1. Pray for me!
     2. Hold me accountable!
         -Whenever you see me slacking, ask me how it's going? How am I maintaining?
     3. Encourage me!
          -Only constructive criticism is accepted! 
          -I have enough self-doubt alone, I don't need yours!

Transformation Count Down in 5.....4...3...2....Take Off!

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    Just in case you forgot....YES WE CAN!!! =)

    So today, I found out that I didn't get the job.

    I could be sad...a part of me feel sad. I feel tears in my eyes, but something just won't let them fall down. This life brings you so many unexpected turns! Yet, you have to keep pushing. No one gets to the top without struggle, without strife, without FAILURE. So this is my turn. I am climbing and I have fallen, yet, will I get up? Can I get up? Do I want to get up? I will! I shall! With tears and all...I will get back up and start climbing all over again. Even if you think that I can't make it....even if you think I'm not ready...even you think I'm too young, not smart enough. Yes I CAN!! I will do it...I will be Happy...I WILL REACH MY MOUNTAIN TOP!

    Tuesday, February 1, 2011

    I LOVE Being Black!

    Today is the first day of Black History Month and I just had the urge to write about how much I celebrate my life as a Beautiful Black Woman. I truly love being black. I love everything about my culture. My history is rich! I say rich because from the trenches we have risen. In spite of all things, we are a culture of hope, faith, love and dedication. If they want to admit it or not, America was built on the backs of my people. Blood, Sweat and Tears did they share. Yet, they smiled from frowning, laughed from crying and danced from bending. My people...what a MIGHTY race we are. If ever in doubt, if ever in question, pick up book or turn on the news....we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS!

    • My black is STRONG
    • My black is DIVINE
    • My black is PROUD
    • My black is EVERLASTING
    • My black is DEEP
    • My black is LOVELY
    • My black is ROUND
    • My black is ELEGANT
    • My black is RICH
    • My black is BEAUTIFUL
    • My black is ALL OF THAT and some more!

    Tuesday, January 25, 2011

    Living with Natural Hair

    On January 5, 2011, I did my big chop and since that day, I've been on one intriguing journey. Before I dive into my story, I use to say it wasn't by choice! I became natural due to hair damage. In the beginning, this was the only reason. However, things have changed since then....

    It was definitely a new look for me. All of my life I have had shoulder to mid-way length hair until recent years. In recent years, my hair was cut short to neck length due to breakage. However, this time a bob length wouldn't work because my hair was breaking starting from the roots in one section of my hair. At one point I thought it was just stressed, but later learned it was simply over processed. Yet, to some degree, I think it could have been caused by both.

    So anywho, the end result was to lay off of relaxers, so I can allow my hair to get healthy and grow. I actually started this journey back in September after receiving my last relaxer in July 2010.
    Since then I have had sew-ins before the big chop.

    So on January 5, 2011, I cut off all of my permed/relaxed hair and afterwards didn't know what to do with it! I asked my sister for advice, but she didn't even know what to do and she's a beautician!!! The irony in that, right? So I had to take the matters in my own hand. I simply started to do my research on natural hair. I went from Google to YouTube to talking with friends who are natural. After awhile I found myself being a natural junky! lol Especially when it comes to various styles and what products to use for my natural hair. Thank God for YouTube, really! I wouldn't know what to do! So to all my natural sistah's who are helping the baby naturals...much love!! The next blog I do, I'll definitely be sending out my gratitude to those individuals on YouTube who has been such a great help to me !

    Today will mark my 20th day of being natural and I'm sooo enjoying this journey more than I thought!  I didn't think I would enjoy it so much. What tickles me the most is that I always wanted curly hair and I thought I needed a process or chemical to put in my hair to make it curly. Yet, in actuality all I needed to do is let my hair take its course! Look at God! =)

    If you're a natural woman and can relate to my story or even feel indifferent about it or is still relaxed...feel free to leave a comment. All comments are welcomed!

    Be Blessed =)